We can join the linux kernel IRC channel with Web based IRC.
This posting introduce the nice IRC Client.
Halloy IRC client
Install Halloy from package manager & installer
Package manager
Add OFTC server on config.toml
We can edit this config with command bar.
command_bar | Toggle command bar | ⌘ + k | ctrl + k |
Add like this configuration on config.toml.
# Halloy config.
# For a complete list of available options,
# please visit https://halloy.squidowl.org/configuration/index.html
nickname = "MyIRCChattName"
server = "irc.libera.chat"
port = 6697
use_tls = true
channels = ["#linux-wireless"]
nickname = "MyIRCChattName"
server = "irc.oftc.net"
port = 6697
use_tls = true
channels = ["#kernelnewbies", "#dri-devel"]